Friday, November 7, 2014

September 2, 2014.

After a couple months of settling into life with two little ones and getting back into the groove of watching another kiddo or two most weekdays, I am ready to start posting again. I have wanted to write this post from time to time, but let's face it- when you are in the newborn phase of your life any down time you have is devoted to rest of some kind or you know, showering.

My writing also tends to come when my heart is yearning to remember and today is a day of remembering. It is the anniversary of my dad's passing and with each year I try to push back the sadness and choose to reflect on the life since then that he would be proud of and love. I choose to honor him by writing about and celebrating life.

September 2, has come and gone, but is still vivid in my mind- the emotions, remembering the physical and mental aspects of what my body went through that day, all to bring in our second beautiful and perfect baby girl into the world.

The details of that day are intimate moments that I share about when asked and some that only my husband (and if the medical staff remembers me) know. I chose to go as natural as possible, despite the fact that I had to be induced. It was hard. It was painful. I almost and basically did give up and gave in, but the Lord knew better. I did it and it was worth it. Recovery was better in every aspect- physically, emotionally, and mentally. And now I get to enjoy the fruits of that labor.  I get to admire the beauty of what was created for our family through the frustrations, the mess, the joy, and the learning of loving another little person.

Nataly Paige, our little birdie, we are thankful for you. We are thankful for the journey we had to meet you and we look forward to the journey ahead. 

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