Tuesday, February 19, 2013

New Year. New Beginnings.

We've welcomed 2013 and have started settling into what the year has to offer us.

January was filled with up and down weather, Nana's birthday, a few trips to the Science Museum, a Thunder game, and giving our house a few weeks rest from the selling game.

Speaking of Nana...Let me pause a moment to just celebrate my mom for a minute. She is wonderful. She is passionate, loving, and makes my brother and I feel like we are the most important people on the face of the planet. She is in turn loving on my daughter the same way. She's curious and spontaneous. She says what is in her heart. She is beautiful and I loved that I was not working on her special day to spend time with her. I don't tell her enough how awesome she is - but, I think she knows I do.

We now have a Science Museum membership and it has been fun to mix things up in the crazy Oklahoma "winter". MC acts like she owns the place when we go there and after only a few trips, she knows exactly where the bubble and water play places are. She knows what she likes and is not afraid to let us know.

In January, we also decided to take our house off the market for a few weeks. Hoping that we could breathe some new life into her. Selling a house (as those of you who have done it know) is more up and down than our wacky weather. For some people, it is effortless. But, for us, it has felt like interviewing for a job that we so desperately want. Get all dolled up ready to show off- but in the end, it is out of your control. You do all you can- but the decision is not completely up to you.

After a few weeks break, we relisted. It was a slow start up- but not completely unexpected. We knew it wasn't "prime" house selling season. However, 2 and a half weeks later, a promising showing.

Everything has been somewhat of a blur since then. We went from thinking there may or may not be a second showing to accepting an offer. Holding our breath through the whole process and trusting that this was THE ONE.  The one we have been waiting for all of these months. The one that we have been trying to trust in the Lord's perfect timing.

Inspections are done. Paperwork is close to complete. Closing is set for March 1.

The buyers have been great so far. I had to come home during the inspection to help with the thermostat and the husband of the pair was here. He loved our sweet girl- she gave him blocks as she was building, and he didn't mind one bit. He said that he plans to fix most of the things himself, and all we had to do was pay a little to go towards the repairs as well as make sure we were "officially" termite free. They truly have been the right buyers for our home. We hope that they will be as happy here as  we have been. They are at the end of raising their baby- full circle from us at the beginning of raising our baby here. It seems fitting. New beginnings all around.

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