Monday, June 4, 2012

Paging Dr. Basset....

In early May we got the wonderful opportunity and privilege to travel to Orlando to see my brother-in-law, Gareth, graduate with his PhD in Aerospace Engineering from Central Florida. We were so proud and beyond excited that we got to share this moment with him.  

Before we could get a chance to celebrate with him, however, we had to get there. To quote my husband..."packing for myself, a wife and a 1 year old for a 5 day trip= packing for 5784 people."

Besides the actual baggage, I felt like I was carrying so much more. I was carrying so many emotions on what an airplane experience would look like with a  {very mobile} baby. She loved the airport and watching the planes, and 3 out of the 4 plane rides were not too bad. The last leg home was the hardest. Stresses from check-in that morning, a messy diaper, and a very tired baby who did not want to be confined= LONGEST hour on a plane that I have ever experienced. I felt like we earned some badge of parenthood or something.

I love this crinkle nose! It is one of her newest expressions and not to mention one of my favorites.

Checking out the runway with Daddy.

Once we got to Orlando- we were so happy to see this guy. MC loves her Uncle Gareth, especially his hat...

Congratulations, Dr. Basset- we LOVE you!

 {Since his recent graduation we have had more reason to celebrate with the news of Gareth's hiring on with Boeing in St. Louis. For those of you that read this that do not know my love and connection for the city of St. Louis, I am happy for this news in every possible way. My dad grew up there and we would visit my grandparents often. I now have best friends that live there, and NOW...we are glad that Uncle Gareth will be so much closer to us too!}

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